艺书房创始人。立秋之日出生的小龙女, 生于天府之国锦官城, 学成于上海复旦大学及美国弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia), 现定居纽约长岛。自幼师从国画大师王孝纲发蒙学画, 并有幸受教于海派宗师刘旦宅及川派大师赵蕴玉(张大千弟子)。曾任成都市少儿美协副会长, 现为中国国画家协会会员,画作多次入选国內外画展并获奖,为艺书馆及私人藏家垂青。常年为美中两国青少年及成人开设中国画课程, 在近二十年的教学相長中收获了丰富的教学经验及人生体验,近年來更致 力于推广中国及亚洲艺术及文化。曾受纽约州艺术老师协会之邀为纽约州公立艺术老师艺术认证讲授中国国课程, 为纽约长岛石溪中文学校及長島北岸蒙特梭利学校开设少儿书画讲习班。
艺书房创始人。本科毕业于北京大学中文系,兼修文史哲,后赴美深造,获得历史学博士学位,在美国University of Rochester 和 Syracuse University多所大学担任历史学教授,并受聘为 Dowling College 历史系終身教授,并担任该校历史系主任。担任博雅小学堂历史栏目主笔,创作了深受孩子们喜爱的《写给孩子们的东亚史》,也是《少年时》杂志历史专栏“以史明志”特邀作家。具有一套独特的海外汉语教学方法,在国学涵养中,帶领孩子们突破中文学习难关。
Dr. Andrew Karp
Dr. Andrew Karp has a Ph.D. in Classical Languages and Literature from New York University. He has taught English and ESL at NYU, Penn State, and Dowling College on Long Island. Dr. Karp is also a writer, actor and theatrical producer. He served as Artistic Director of the Loft Theatre at Dowling for 10 years and has performed in many plays, specializing in Shakespeare. He is the author of a play entitled "The Epic of Sunjata" based on a West African fold tale. He is currently at work on a historical novel about a female, Jewish criminal in 1860s New York City. Dr. Karp's wife is an ESL instructor in Bellport. Dr. Karp is currently teaching Classic Reading and Writing: Classic Children's Literature. He also tutors privately.